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Idioms in context

  •  English    20     Public
    Idioms in context
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  • Charlie decided to sign up for piano lessons, soccer, debate team and marching band. Every night he told his mom how exhausted he was. His mom said "I think you bit off more than you can chew. Should we cancel a couple of your activities?"
    You took on more than you can handle
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  • Jeremy and his sister finally decided they would buy their mom a new robe for Christmas. The next day, their mom came back from the mall with a new robe she purchased for herself. Jeremy said "I guess it's back to the drawing board."
    Need to start over and think of a different idea
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  • Mason was telling his sister about his friend's surprise birthday party. "They had a dunk tank, arcade games, a cotton candy machine and a magic show - the whole nine yards! It was incredible"
    They had everything
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  • Clay was telling his friend about his family's camping trip last weekend. "It was cold and rained the whole time. To add insult to injury, we didn't bring enough blankets or jackets. It was miserable"
    To make a bad situation even worse
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  • Anna wasn't surprised that her best friend Kelly gave her the cold shoulder at lunch. Anna knew Kelly was upset because Anna had told someone Kelly's secret. Later that day, Anna apologized and Kelly talked to her again.
    To ignore someone
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  • After Bailey won the election for student body president, she came home and told her parents "Now I'm the top dog! Everyone will look to me to make the school better"
    The person in charge, who makes decisions
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  • Although the teacher had given the class one week to do the assignment, Evan waited until 20 minutes before class to do it. As he finished and gave it to the teacher, he said to his friend "Whew! I got that done "by the skin of my teeth."
    Barely in enough time
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  • Joel heard the science museum had a new dinosaur exhibit. He asked his dad if they could go tomorrow. His dad said "I'd love to, but "it's crunch time" at work. I have a huge deadline to meet. How about next weekend?"
    It's a really busy time
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  • Tabitha wanted to be in the school play. But when she asked the drama teacher when auditions were, the teacher replied "Sorry, that "ship has sailed." Well have another play in the spring though, so hopefully you can come to that audition."
    The opportunity has passed
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  • Kevin and his brother had been playing chess for over an hour. Kevin was losing pretty badly. When he looked at the clock and saw it was past midnight, he decided to "throw in the towel" since he probably wasn't going to win anyway.
    Quit and admit defeat
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  • Colin was going skiing with his family and asked his friend Brock if he wanted to come. Brock said "I've been skiing before but it's "not my cup of tea." One time I even broke my arm. But I hope you have fun!"
    Not something I'm interested in
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  • The 2 students caught cheating on the final exam knew they were "in hot water" when the principal picked them up from the classroom. His face was stern and he didn't say a word until they got to his office.
    In trouble
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  • Abigail's flight was delayed several hours so she didn't get to her hotel until 3:00 a.m. Since she hardly got any sleep, she was "in a fog" most of the next day during the conference.
    Not thinking clearly
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  • Jenny was in a bad mood and rude to her friend Aubrey for no reason. The next day Jenny apologized. "I'm sorry I was rude. I hope you forgive me." Aubrey said "Yes I forgive you. It's water under the bridge. Let's move on"
    In the past and forgotten
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  • Sheri was excited to take care of her neighbor's dog for a few days. But after a few hours, Sheri realized how much work it was to have a dog. "I guess it's not a bed of roses," she thought. "Maybe I'm not ready for my own dog."
    It's not as great as you think
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  • When Beth arrived at church camp, she realized that she forgot to bring an extra t-shirt to wear for the paintball tournament. Her camp counselor told her, "There are lots of leftover t-shirts from last year's camp. They are a dime a dozen"
    Very common
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