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Idiom of the Week Review

  •  English    26     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Define "that ship has sailed"
    an opportunity that has passed or a situation that can no longer be changed
  •  15
  • Use "that ship has sailed" in a sentence
    I was thinking about going to the concert but that ship has sailed. It’s sold out.
  •  25
  • Define "up in the air"
    talk about something that's undecided or unresolved
  •  20
  • Use "up in the air" in a sentence
    My teacher hasn't decided whether or not to give a final exam, it's up in the air.
  •  15
  • Define "heart of gold"
    Someone who is genuinely kind and compassionate.
  •  15
  • Use "heart of gold" in a sentence
    Kim is always willing to help people; she has a heart of gold.
  •  20
  • Define "spitting image"
    Someone or something that looks very much like someone or something
  •  15
  • Use "spitting image" in a sentence
    She is a spitting image of her mother.
  •  10
  • Define "on the right track"
    doing something correctly or well; halfway there
  •  20
  • Use "on the right track" in a sentence
    You haven't quite got the answer yet, but you're on the right track.
  •  15
  • Define "driving me up a wall"
    to make (someone) irritated, angry, or crazy
  •  15
  • Use "driving me up a wall" in a sentence
    Your bad singing is driving me up the wall!
  •  15
  • This idiom means "doing something correctly or well"
    on the right track
  •  15
  • This idiom means "someone or something that is very hard to find"
    needle in a haystack
  •  20
  • This idiom means "someone or something that is very hard to find"
    needle in a haystack
  •  20
  • Define "go with the flow"
    To be flexible when things don't go your way
  •  15