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Stressed Out

  •  English    18     Public
    People are all seriously stressed out for a variety of reasons, what advice can you give and how can you help them?
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • She has lots of exams, how can you help?
  •  15
  • He has to finish an essay, how can you help?
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  • He is worried about climate change, how can you help?
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  • He doesn't have much money, how can you help?
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  • He has had an argument with his friend, how can you help?
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  • Her Mum wants her to study science but she hates science, how can you help?
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  • He's going through problems with his wife, how can you help?
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  • People are gossiping about her, how can you help?
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  • She doesn't understand anything she is learning in math class and she has an exam soon, how can you help?
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  • She forgot she had to write a report and her boss wants to see it NOW, how can you help?
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  • Someone stole his money, how can you help?
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  • He told his crush that he loves her and she won't stop laughing, how can you help?
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  • She has a really important event and nothing to wear, how can you help?
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  • Someone sat in his seat, how can you help?
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  • He accidentally sent an email to everyone he works with saying how he thinks his boss is really bad, how can you help?
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  • She accidentally photocopied 1000 sheets in colour and not black and white, how can you help?
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