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Expert Proficiency Unit 1 Review

  •  English    22     Public
    Review vocab and grammar
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  • I had a great _____________. I'm grateful to my parents! (BRING)
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  • t______ = (adj) in poor condition due to age and use "Those shoes are old and t_____. You should replace them soon."
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  • (n) What must exist or happen before something else can happen or be done. e.g."You must have this qualification if you want to be accepted onto this course. It is a p_____ for admission onto this course."
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  • (n) the quality of being average or not very good. e.g. "His acting career started brilliantly, then sank into m__________."
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  • (adj) tired and bored, usually because you have had too much of something. e.g. "I felt terribly j______ after having worked all weekend."
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  • (expression) To be very happy. "I j____ed f___ j___ when we won the match. I was absolutely delighted!"
    Jump for joy
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  • (expression) To have no limits. "Her determination k____s n_ b_____: she won't stop until she reaches her goals."
    knows no bounds
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  • (expression) a lot and very quickly. e.g. "Her English has improved b_ l____ a___ b____. She must have worked really hard to improve so much and so quickly."
    by leaps and bounds
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  • (expression) to get very angry. e.g. "She j___ d___ m_ t_____ when I told her that I actually thought her best friend was a bit of an idiot."
    jump down my throat
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  • s______ o______ = (n) enthusiastic clapping by an audience when they stand up
    Standing ovation
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  • o_ c____ = at the right time. e.g. "The singer started a few seconds early, so he didn't come in o_ c____."
    On cue
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  • (adj) That has never happened, been done or been known before e.g. "The situation is u________ in modern times."
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  • p_______ = (n) the person who writes plays
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  • (phrasal verb) = to ring (a phone/alarm) e.g "His phone w____ o___ in the performance. It was so embarrassing."
    go off/went off
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  • s_______ = (adj) (of work, activities, etc.) in which you spend a lot of time sitting down. e.g. "He has a very s______ lifestyle."
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  • (v) t______ a______ = to go somewhere with somebody, especially when you have not been asked or invited. e.g. "Can I t___ a____ with you two tonight when you go to the cinema?"
    Tag along
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