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  • In what continent do koalas live?
    Koalas live in Australia.
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  • Are koalas mostly active at night or in the daytime?
    Koalas are usually active at night - they are nocturnal animals.
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  • What do koalas eat?
    Koalas only eat eucalyptus leaves.
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  • Are eucalyptus leaves good for animals other than koalas?
    No, they are not. Eucalyptus leaves are poisonous for most animals.
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  • What can happen to a koala if it hasn't got eucalyptus leaves for a long time?
    A koala can die without eucalyptus leaves.
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  • Do horses eat eucalyptus leaves?
    They sometimes do, but eucalyptus leaves are poisonous for horses.
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  • Are eucalyptus leaves poisonous for koalas?
    No, they are not. A koala can eat plenty of eucalyptus leaves without any harm for its health.
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  • Can a koala kill you?
    No, it can't. Koalas bite very seldom and definitely cannot kill a human.
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  • How much does a healthy koala usually drink?
    Koalas don’t usually drink, because they get water from eucalyptus leaves. They may only drink water during extremely hot days.
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  • Can koalas climb trees?
    Yes, they can climb very well -- with the help of their sharp claws.
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  • What helps koalas to climb trees?
    Their big and very sharp claws.
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  • Where does a baby koala live for the first six months of its life?
    For the first six months of its life a baby koala lives in its mum pouch.
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  • How does a baby koala spend its time after the first six months of its life?
    After the first six months of its life the baby koala usually rides its mum's back for another six months.
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  • How big is a newborn koala?
    A newborn koala is usually about 2 cm long.
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  • How long do koalas usually live?
    Koalas usually live for 10-15 years.
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  • Can anyone keep a koala as a pet?
    No, it is strictly forbidden to keep koalas as pets.
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