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Exam 1 review

  •  English    48     Public
    cancer and fluid and electrolytes
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  • What is the normal lab value for potassium?
    3.5 - 5 mEq/L
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  • True or false? The only surgical options for treatment of cancer are curative, prophylactic, and diagnostic.
    False; Curative, palliative, prophylactic, diagnostic, control
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  • What are the 3 types of oncological emergencies?
    Hematological, structural, and metabolic
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  • True or false? Hospice care is appropriate for patients with life threatening illness and focuses on quality of life?
    False: Hospice care is appropriate for patients with life limiting disease who have less than 6 months to live and focuses on comfort.
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  • List the possible causes for hypovolemia.
    Too little intake, blood loss, renal disease, diabetes, excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, fever,
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  • True or false? Primary cancer prevention involve regular screening such as mammograms.
    False: Primary prevention includes avoidance of known carcinogens, modifying associated risk factors, removal of “at risk” tissue, chemoprevention, vaccination
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  • What is the primary treatment for SVC Syndrome?
    High dose radiation, metal stent, thrombolytics.
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  • In caner staging, what is meant by T3, N1, M1?
    Moderately large tumor, little lymph node involvement, has metastasized.
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  • List the S/S of hypervolemia.
    peripheral and/or pulmonary edema, SOB, >RR, >HR, >BP, distended neck veins, wt gain, pale. cool skin, altered LOC, HA, visual disturburbances
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  • What is the purpose of chemotherapy and how does it work?
    Chemical cytotoxic agents (chemotherapy) destroys cancer cells by damaging DNA and interferes with cell division
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  • Which types of intravenous fluids are most often used for fluid resuscitation?
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  • A patient has been having frequent liquid diarrhea for the last 24 hours. The nurse should monitor the patient for which electrolyte imbalance?
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  • What are the 3 stages of Malignant Transformation and explain them
    Initiation (cells become damaged) - promotion (begin to grow)- progression (grow larger and metastasize))
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  • Which oncological emergency is characterized by excess fluid, which leads to hemodilution of electrolytes such as sodium and calcium?
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  • S/S of hypocalcemia include:
    Paresthesia, twitching, Cramps, Trousseau’s Chvostek’s, <HR, weak pulse , <BP, cardiac complications, >GI motility, osteoporosis,
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  • When is the patient with acute leukemia at greatest risk of developing tumor lysis syndrome?
    It is most common in patients with large numbers of cancer cells in the body before treatment. It happens most often with the first cycle of chemotherapy.
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