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Strange facts

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    english quiz
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  • What is NASA's internet speed?
    NASA’s internet speed is 91 GB per second!Normal household internet speeds are roughly 25 MB per second, which is dwarfed by NASA’s hugely superior internet spe
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  • When does the letter "A" first appear in a written number?
    The letter “A” doesn’t appear in a written number until you reach One Thousand.
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  • Which are the only two letters that do not appear on the periodic table?
    The only letters that do not appear on the periodic table are J and Q
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  • The Roman – Persian wars are the longest in history, how long did they last? ( plus minus 50 years)
    They lasted over 680 years. They began in 54 BC and ended in 628 AD.
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  • There are only two capital cities without a McDonald's, name at least one
    Tirana, the capital of Albania has a lot of things in common with other European capitals – except one. It’s one of two capitals without a Mcdonald’s. The seco
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  • Which are the only two planets of our solar system with no moons?
    Mercury and Venus are the only two planets in our solar system that do not have any moons.
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  • How many countries are in the world? ( plus minus 5)
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  • Which river crosses the most countries?
    The Danube
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  • What was the most popular mobile app in 2015?
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