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  • What is "vulgar latin"?
    As opposed to classical latin, vulgar latin was the language spoken by people in their everyday life.
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  • In what period of History are born the roman languages?
    In the Middle Age.
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  • Say what are Romance languages and name 5 examples.
    Romance languages are those developing from latin. For example, Castilian, Catalan, French, Rumanian, Italian...
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  • Which four medieval kingdoms do the Spanish shield represent?
    The kingdoms of Castile, Navarra, León and Aragón.
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  • Did vassals (vasallos) have any right in the Middle Age? Did they have the same rights as noble people?
    Yes, they did have some rights, but not the same as noble people.
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  • People say that the Middle Age was a dark period of History. This can be understood in two different ways. Explain.
    On the one hand, there are few written documents that historians can study. On the other hand, life is supposed to have been very hard in this period.
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  • Were there slaves in the Middle Age? Did they have any rights?
    Slavery was slowly disappearing in Europe during the Middle Age. Slaves did not have any rights.
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  • The end of the Middle Age happens around the same time as the discovery of America. ¿What year did it take place??
    In 1492.
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  • After the Roman Empire, two types of people invaded the Hispanic territories. Which ones.
    The Germanics and the Muslims.
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  • The germanic groups that invaded Britain at the end of the Roman Empire were called "anglos" and "saxons". What were they called the ones that invaded the Hispanic territories?
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  • According to Félix Rodrigo Mora, why was there quite a lot of freedom in the Middle Age?
    Because most of the land belonged to the people.
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  • According to Félix Rodrigo Mora, how did people take political decisions in the Middle Age?
    Decisions were taken in assemblies.
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  • According to Félix Rodrigo Mora, in which century started the destructions of the communal land system?
    In the 14th century, at the end of the Middle Age.
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  • Renaissance means "rebirth". What is "born again" during the 16th century?
    The classic culture or Greece and Rome.
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  • In the year 1492, three things very important for Spanish History took place. Name two of them.
    The discovery of America, the conquest of Al-Andalus by the Christians, and the publication of the first Grammar of the Spanish language.
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  • Where did most people live during the Middle Age?
    In small villages, in rural areas.
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