Game Preview

Reaction to Situations

  •  English    25     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You're in line to get a brand new video game on game day release. Someone pushes and cuts you in line. How does that person feel and how do you feel? What is an appropriate way for you to react?
    Person feels good/you feel mad. Tell them that what they are doing is wrong.
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  • You are at school. A school bully insults you and it offends your feelings. How does that person feel and how do you feel? What is an appropriate way for you to react?
    Person feels happy/you feel sad. Do not retaliate and report the person to the teacher.
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  • You are at home. Your mom accidentally drops dinner when you are about to eat. How does that person feel and how do you feel? What is an appropriate way for you to react?
    Person feels bad/you feel mad. Help her clean up the mess.
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  • You're at school. Your teacher raises her voice at you for doing something you know is wrong. How does that person feel and how do you feel? What is an appropriate way for you to react?
    Person feels mad/you feel mad. Tell her that you will correct your mistake but also tell her if she can say it in a nicer tone.
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  • You're at the school yard. Someone accidentally hits you with soccer ball. How does that person feel and how do you feel? What is an appropriate way for you to react?
    Person feels bad/you feel sad. Ask them to apologize and move on.
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  • Your at the school yard. Someone accidentally hits you with soccer ball. They however laugh at you. How does that person feel and how do you feel? What is an appropriate way for you to react?
    Person feels good/you feel mad. Do not retaliate and report to the teacher.
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  • You're at park. Someone litters in front of you. How does that person feel and how do you feel? What is an appropriate way for you to react?
    Person feels good/you feel mad. Tell them to pick up the trash.
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  • Your at park. You feel like you want to run around while in front of your friends who are talking to you. How does that person feel and how do you feel? What is an appropriate way for you to react?
    Person feels engaged/you feet unengaged. Don't run but instead fiddle with something.
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  • Your at a restaurant. You ask the waiter if they have your favorite dish and they regretfully tell you they are out. How does that person feel and how do you feel? What is an appropriate way for you to react?
    Person feels bad/you feel sad. Order something else.
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  • You are at school. Your teacher says something important and you do not hear it. They continue on with the lesson since class is running out of time. How does that person feel and how do you feel? What is an appropriate way for you to react
    Person feels overwhelmed/you feel confused. Ask them to repeat the information.
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  • You are in class. Your friend says that he wanted to know how your week went. Your friend had a good weekend. How does that person feel and how do you feel? What is an appropriate way for you to react?
    Person feels happy/you feel happy. Tell them about your week.
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  • You love cake. Your friend gives you a cake however it is a flavor you do not like. Your friend however brought that cake out of the kindness of their hearts. How does that person feel/how do you feel? What is an appropriate way to react?
    Person - happy/you - disappointed. Accept the gift and move on.
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  • You're at home. Your dad forgets their cellphone as they are about to leave. You see it and you don't want your dad to not have his phone. How does that person feel/how do you feel? What is an appropriate way to react?
    Person - overwhelmed/you - concerned. Get the phone and give it to your dad before he leaves.
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  • You're at school. Your friend tells you that he just lost his dog. How does that person feel/how do you feel? What is an appropriate way to react?
    Person - sad/you - concerned. Cheer your friend up.
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  • You're at school. You see a bully call someone a racist slang. That person cries. How does that person feel/how do you feel? What is an appropriate way to react?
    Person - sad/you - angry. Stand up for you friend and either report the bully or tell them to go away.
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  • You're with your friends. Your best friend tells you that today is their birthday and you forgot. How does that person feel/how do you feel? What is an appropriate way to react?
    Person - Sad/You - Embarassed. Get them a present.
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