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B2. Class 1-2. Vocabulary

  •  English    8     Public
    Replace the underlined words and answer the questions
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  • What kind of person are you likely to (1) become friendly with immediately? Could it be a (2) smart and funny, (3) simple and easy to understand or (4) decisive and strong-willed person?
    What kind of person are you likely to (1) click with immediately? Could it be a (2) witty, (3) straightforward or (4) determined person?
  •  15
  • Do you consider meeting new people as a (1) frightening and worrying experience? How fast do you usually (2) form an opinion about new people?
    Do you consider meeting new people as a (1) daunting experience? How fast do you usually (2) make up your mind about new people?
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  • Do you find it difficult to work with (1) self-confident and (2) having strong beliefs/arrogant people? How do you usually approach them? What is your attitude to people (3) speaking too proudly about their achievements?
    (1) self-assured (2) opinionated (3) boasting
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  • How do you deal with angry and complaining people?
    How do you deal with grumpy people?
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  • What is the most important trait in a friend? That they are (1) not changing in their friendship and supportive, (2) causing change instead of waiting for it or (3) relaxed and taking things easy?
    What is the most important trait in a friend? That they are (1) loyal, (2) proactive or (3) laid-back?
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  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being calm and keeping feelings under control?
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of being composed?
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  • What kind of people, to your mind, tend to behave to attract attention of others?
    What kind of people, to your mind, tend to show off?
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  • What kind of person did your best friend first look like? Has your opinion changed over time?
    What kind of person did your best friend first come across as? Has your opinion changed over the time?
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