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Main Idea and Details

  •  English    27     Public
    Main Idea and Details
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  • One or two words on what the text is about.
    Supporting detail
  •  5
  • The most important idea the author is writing about the topic. What is this idea called?
    Main idea
  •  5
  • What do we call facts or examples that tell more about the main idea?
    Supporting details
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  • What is the topic of this text?
    Sneaky apps
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  • What is the topic of this text?
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  • What is the topic of this text?
    George Washington
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  • What is the topic of this text?
    The Flu
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  • What is the topic of this text?
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  • What is the topic of this text?
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  • What is the main idea of this text?
    Iceboxes were common to keep food cold.
    Some people stored their food underground to keep it cold.
    People used ice or snow to cool their food.
    People have not always had refrigerators in their kitchen.
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  • What is the main idea of this text?
    African wild dogs are called painted dogs.
    African wild dogs hunt for large prey.
    An African wild dog is a type of dog that roams wild.
    African wild dogs roam on African plains.
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  • What is the main idea of this text?
    Fast food can have negative consequences.
    Fast food has more calories.
    Fast food can be more expensive than grocery shopping.
    Fast food chains make it easier to eat out.
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  • What is the main idea of this text?
    The caterpillar creates a chrysalis.
    A butterfly emerges from the chrysalis.
    A butterfly begins as an egg.
    A butterfly goes through metamorphosis.
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  • What is the main idea of this text?
    Your heart is the most important muscle in your body.
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  • What is the main idea of this text?
    There are many plants and animals that can survive in the desert.
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  • What is the main idea of this text?
    Thomas Jefferson is an important person in US history.
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