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SAW errors

  •  English    8     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • It would have take more time for researches to successfully develop treatments for these diseases, if it had not been for all the animals
    no comma
  •  15
  • To sum up, it's evident that there are both pros and cons in animal testing. On the one hand, scientists are able to conduct researches, leading to medical breakthroughs...
    no contractions, preposition / research (UC)
  •  15
  • Plus substitutions are available; there is no need for the animals at the moment
    dash or so
  •  5
  • One side is money, another side is compassionate, it is hard to choose.
    comma splicing and compassion
  •  15
  • In the end, whether it is cruel or pivotal, unethical or ethical, it is our own choices that count.
    not opposites
  •  20
  • To conclude, it is quite obvious to know that animal trials are playing a pivotal role in making sure a cure is safe.
    needs to be more concise/ present simple
  •  20
  • On the whole, the benefits of animal testing on humanity is unseeable.
    preposition / vocab
  •  20
  • However, we should always take into consideration that wildlife is hurt, killed and jeopardize.
    wildlife - vocab/ tenses
  •  10