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B7 - American Revolution L03

  •  English    13     Public
    Facts from worksheet 3
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How did people illuminate their houses?
    People used candles and fireplaces to illuminate their houses.
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  • Who did produce a light bulb that would last for many hours that became commercially viable? When did it happen?
    Thomas Edison in the 1880s
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  • If there were no refrigerators, how did people preserve their food?
    In general, they smoked, dried, salted, or pickled food.
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  • What was a springhouse?
    a one-room building constructed over the source of a spring. The water of the spring maintains a constant cool temperature inside the springhouse
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  • How did people wash the dishes and use water in general? H
    People took water from wells to cook, wash the dishes, do the laundry, and bathe
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  • How often did they bathe?
    Some people might bathe only three times a year!
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  • How many sets of clothes did they usually have?
    They had only three or four sets.
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  • Did all boys and girls go to school?
    Most boys went to school, but not all girls did
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  • What were some of the chores children had at home? (5)
    Bring in wood to cook, get water from the well, wash the dishes, do the laundry, and take care of the younger brothers and sisters.
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  • What kind of books did they use?
    They were based on religion.  It contained religious rhymes for each alphabet letter, prayer and stories with a moral from the Bible.
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  • What kind of games did children play?
    tag, hide-and-seek, jump rope, and scotch-hopper (known as hopscotch today)
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  • Can you say a tongue twister from the colonial times?
    The skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk. But the stump thunk the skunk stunk.
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  • Can you say a tongue twister from the colonial times?
    She’s so selfish she should sell shellfish shells but shells of shellfish seldom sell.
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