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The Beat Goes On review

  •  English    15     Public
    It's a review of the reading selection 'The Beat Goes On' from Natgeo's Inside series.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • True or false, veins are the smallest type of blood vessel.
    False. Capillaries are the smallest type of blood vessel.
  •  10
  • How many chambers, or sections, does your heart have?
    4 - 2 atria, and 2 - ventricles
  •  15
  • How was Jessica Melore able to wait for a new heart after her heart attack?
    She had an artificial heart
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  • True or false, Brian Whitlow used an artificial heart.
  •  5
  • Explain why people have to wait a long time for heart transplants.
    Because a lot of people need them, but there aren't many available hearts.
  •  15
  • Explain Brian Whitlow's heart problem, and how the doctors fixed it when he was a baby.
    His heart was missing a chamber. The doctors used his blood vessels to go around the missing chamber.
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  • Why was moving to a new school difficult for Brian?
    Because he had gained weight after his heart transplant, so kids made fun of him.
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  • Explain what anti-rejection drugs do.
    They help people's bodies accept the new organ.
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  • How old was Brian when he needed the transplant?
    14 years old
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  • When did Jessica get her new heart?
    Just before graduating high school.
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  • According to the book, how many people in the U.S. need heart transplants every year
  •  10
  • Did Brian Whitlow continue to be active after his transplant? Explain.
    Yes, he played on his high school basketball team and college lacrosse team.
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  • What do Jessica Melore and Brian Whitlow want people to do?
    Arrange/plan to have their organs donated after they die.
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  • About how many times do our hearts beat in a lifetime?
    2.5 billion
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  • True or false, most people who have heart problems are born with them? Explain your answer.
    False. Most people's heart problems begin when they're older when their hearts tire out or get clogged with fat.
  •  15