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The Renaissance, a new artistic movement

  •  English    34     Public
    Level 2º ESO
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A technique that uses light and shade to give volume and contrast to figures and objects:
  •  15
  • A painting technique that uses pigments and oil-based binders to achieve many effects and textures:
    Oil painting
  •  15
  • The Italian Renaissance spread to the rest of Europe in the 17th century. True or false?
  •  10
  • After the Lutheran Reformation, German artists painted religious themes with great austerity, as well as portraits, landscapes and mythological paintings. True or false?
  •  10
  • The best known German Renaissance artists are Albrecht Dürer and Jan van Eyck. True or false?
  •  10
  • The best known German Renaissance artists are Albrecht Dürer and Jan van Eyck. True or false?
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  • In France, the Renaissance was popular during the reign of Louis XIV. True or false?
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  • During the French Renaissance, there were huge developments in architecture. True or false?
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  • In Flanders, the Italian Renaissance had a great influence and most artists used Italian techniques. True or false?
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  • Flemish artists painted detailed and realistic scenes. Instead of mythological and religious subjects, they painted landscapes, everyday scenes and portraits. True or false?
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  • The most famous artists of the Flemish school are Hans Holbein the Younger, Lucas Cranch the Elder, Rogier van der Weyden and Pieter Brueghel the Elder. True or false?
  •  10
  • Identify the following painting
    Albrecht Dürer: Lamentation for Christ, 1500.
  •  25
  • Identify the following painting
    Lucas Cranach the Elder: Adam and Eve, 1526.
  •  25
  • Identify the following painting
    Jan van Eyck: The Arnolfini Portrait, 1434.
  •  25
  • Identify the following painting
    Rogier van der Weyden: St. Luke Drawing the Virgin, 1440.
  •  25
  • Identify the following painting
    Pieter Brueghel the Elder: The Harvesters, 1565.
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