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Frankenstein's Monster review

  •  English    14     Public
    Based on a condensed children's version from National Geographic's Inside series.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What did Dr. Frankenstein do after the monster came to life?
    He ran and hid in his room.
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  • where did the story begin and end?
    On a boat in the Arctic
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  • Why did the monster kill Frankenstein's brother, best friend, and bride?
    Because he was angry that Dr. Frankenstein destroyed his life
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  • How did the monster feel about killing those people?
    He felt sorry,
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  • What was the 'secret' that Dr. Frankenstein would take to his grave?
    How to bring something dead to life
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  • What was the monster made from?
    Body parts of dead humans and animals.
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  • Why was the monster left alone for several months?
    Because Dr. Frankenstein was sick.
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  • Were people nice to the monster? Give examples.
    No. They threw things at him and shot him.
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  • Why did Dr. Frankenstein go to the arctic?
    He was chasing the monster.
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  • How did the creature learn to read and speak?
    By listening to a family through the shed where he was hiding.
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  • What did the creature look like/
    He had black lips and yellow, watery eyes.
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  • Why did the monster ask Dr. Frankenstein for a wife?
    Because he was lonely.
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  • What clue from the text shows that the creature might still love Dr. Frankenstein in the end?
    He takes his body after he dies.
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  • What is the monster like when he is first created?
    He's like a giant baby.
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