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Past Modals and Phrasal Modals of Obligation

  •  English    20     Public
    Choose the correct past modal or phrasal modal to complete the sentence.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I _____ stay in the office until I finished my work. A.)should have B.)was supposed to C.)had to D.)didn't need to E.)needed to
    needed to
  •  25
  • He _____ wake up early to make it on time to the business meeting. A.)should have B.)was supposed to C.)had to D.)didn't need to E.)needed to
    had to
  •  25
  • It rained heavily last night, that's why I ______ go to school today. A.)should have B.)was supposed to C.)had to D.)didn't have to E.)needed to
    didn't have to
  •  25
  • Sarah talked all the way through the movie. I shouldn't have invited her to the cinema. A.)shouldn't have B,)wasn't suppose to C.)didn't have to D.)didn't need to
    shouldn't have
  •  25