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What to do in this situation?

  •  English    50     Public
    What to do in this situation?
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • An earthquake has just struck your home. Everything has fallen all over but you know everyone is safe. What can you do in this situation?
    Grab your emergency kit and head to the nearest shelter.
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  • You are at home and your smoke alarm is broken. Your mom wants to cook dinner in the kitchen. What can you do in this situation?
    Tell your mom to cook outside/go out to eat dinner.
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  • A fire has broken out at your house. You are trying to escape but the stairs is on fire and you are on the second floor. What can you do in this situation?
    Jump out but use something to break your fall such as a strong pillow/multiple pillows and roll when you land.
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  •  A fire has broken out at your house. You are trying to escape but the door is blocked and you are on the first floor. What can you do in this situation?
    Find another exit quickly/break a window to get out.
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  • A fire has broken out at your house. You are trying to escape and you see the door but the knob is red. What can you do in this situation?
    Open using a cold towel/protective gear such as strong gloves to escape.
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  • You are at home changing the light bulb when it suddenly bursts and you get glass shards all over your body. What can you do in this situation?
    Do not pull the glass shards out and go to a hospital immediately.
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  • You are at home and a fluorescent light tube in your home shatter, spilling mercury all over your body. What can you do in this situation?
    Take a shower then immediately go to a biohazard lab or hospital.
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  • You are at home and you see a bedbug in your room. Bedbugs are known to reproduce quickly and live in mattress and clothing. What can you do in this situation?
    Check all your beds and clothing for bedbugs, evacuate the house, and ask for an exterminator to come and disinfect the house.
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  • You are at home. You see a stray cat in your backyard. You do not know if the cat is friendly or feral. What can you do in this situation?
    Call animal control.
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  • Your brother has been getting sick. He has been drinking milk despite being lactose intolerant. He however loves drinking milk. What can you do in this situation?
    Tell him the reason why he is getting sick is because of the milk AND explain why if he keeps drinking it will hurt his health.
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  • Your friend loves to smoke and comes over your house. When he smokes in your house, huge carbon monoxide gas is released and can potentially kill everyone. What can you do in this situation?
    Open the windows/doors and tell your friend to stop smoking/smoke outside.
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  • Your dog sees another dog pass by your house on the public sidewalk. Your dog is highly aggressive and this particular dog makes your dog very angry. What can you do in this situation?
    Keep your dog away. Any actions caused by your dog are in term charged onto you.
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  • Your brother sees a video of a couple of kids jumping off buildings in a sport called Parkour. You know your brother has not trained nor is capable of doing the stunts he saw. He wants to try it. What can you do in this situation?
    Stop him and tell him if he wants to do so, to practice and learn how to (take classes, etc).
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  • Your teacher is trying to teach the class the Pythagorean theorem. Her methods are ineffective but you know a song that helped you memorize the theory. Other than calling for help, what can you do in this situation?
    Tell your teacher discreetly your idea.
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  • You are driving and all of a sudden a heavy downpour occurs. This floods the road to the point that cars will hydroplane. Other than calling for help, what can you do in this situation?
    Stop by the nearest safe place and wait out the storm because it would be too dangerous to drive.
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  • Your friends are fighting. They both tell you that you have to choose one or the other to be friends. Other than calling for help, what can you do in this situation?
    Either exclude yourself or gather a bunch of other common friends and work out a solution.
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