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Organelles and Cells

  •  English    10     Public
    Parts of a cell
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  • What is the powerhouse of the cell?
    A. Golgi, B. Mitochondria, C. Ribosome, D. Cytoplasm
  •  15
  • What part of the cell is made up of organelles and molecules floating in cytosol?
    A. membranes, B. nucleus, C. cytoplasm, D. lysosome
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  • Rough ER and Golgi both do this.
    A. manufacture and transport. B. break down sugar. C. make ATP D. destroy cells
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  • Ribosomes are to the ER as gas stations are to a
    A. hoverboard, B. boy, C. road, D. firefighter
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  • What organelle is filled with enzymes?
    A. ribosome, B. mitochondria, C. ER, D. lysosomes
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  • Peroxisomes and Smooth ER both are involved with
    A. lipids, B. carbohydrates, C. wastes, D. milk
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  • What cell part holds the genetic material?
    A. ER, B. Nucleus, C. Vacuole, D. Peroxisome
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  • Which cell part acts like a guard only letting certain things pass?
    A. cytoplasm, B. DNA, C. lysosome, D. cell membrane
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  • Who named the cell after a monk's room back in Renaissance times?
    A. Mendel, B. Hooke, C. Schleiden, D, Schwann
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  • What does "homeo" mean in homeostasis?
    A. frozen, B. same, C. state, D. small
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