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2021 English Sentence Structure

  •  English    19     Public
    Compound and Complex Sentences with Vocabulary Words ---Give a definition of the vocabulary word or a synonym, tell what type of sentence it is...
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  • MAIM: Compound, Complex or Compound Complex? During a strenuous climbing attempt of Mt. Everest, the young man was maimed in an accident and lost three fingers on his right hand.
    MAIM: verb-to wound or injure,so that part of the body is permanently damaged. Compound-Complex sentence
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  • AVOWED: Compound, Complex or Compound Complex? Although I am an avowed vegetarian, I still can't help licking my lips and sniffing curiously when I smell somebody grilling steaks or burgers outside!
    AVOWED: adj., declared openly, acknowledged, admitted, sworn, Compound-Complex sentence
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  • OBLIQUE: He pretended he was in the music business, and made oblique references to various people to try to get into the sold-out concert.
    OBLIQUE: adj., indirect, vague, not to the point, or slanting or sloping, diagonal lines. Compound sentence
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