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There should be a law!

  •  English    10     Public
    Questions related to Unit 15
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • In Arizona, you may go to prison for 25 years if you cut down what?
    a particular type of cactus (the saguaro cactus)
  •  15
  • What are 'royalties'? We heard that taxi drivers in Finland have to pay them.
    a payment made to writers or musicians every time their books or songs are bought or used by others
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  • What is an 'offense'?
    an illegal act or crime
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  • Explain what a 'recommendation' is.
    a suggestion that something is good or suitable for a particular purpose
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  • Name 3 of the 'modal verbs' featured in today's Grammar Focus.
    Possible answers: should / ought to / must / have to / have got to
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  • Explain what an 'opinion' is.
    a thought or belief about something or someone
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  • What are 2 examples of 'social issues' that exist here in Cambodia?
    Teacher will check answer.
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  • What is a 'law' and 'who' usually makes them?
    a rule, usually made by a government, that is used to order the way in which a society behaves
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  • Which kind of person investigates crimes and enforces a country's laws?
    a police officer
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  • Which kind of person gives legal advice and represents a person in court if they are involved in a crime?
    a lawyer
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