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Passive Voice challenge

  •  English    10     Public
    A game to introduce passive voice structure
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How many granite blocks _______ _________ to build the Great Pyramid of Giza? (use) : 1.5 mi, 2.3 mi or 3.5 mi?
    were used - 2.3 million!
  •  15
  • When _______ the first mobile phone _________? (make) : in 1973, in 1985 or in 1990?
    was / made - in 1973, in the USA
  •  15
  • What _____ _______ by Neil Armstrong when he stepped onto the moon?
    was said - "A small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind".
  •  25
  • When _______ the printing press ___________ by Gutenberg? (invent) Around the year 1300? Around the year 1440? Around the year 1520?
    was / invented - Around the year 1440.
  •  15
  • Which country ______ __________ as the oldest country in the world? (classify) - Iran, Egypt or Turkey?
    is classified / Egypt
  •  15
  • The name "sandwich" ______ _________ by .... (inspire) - a French cook, an 18th-century aristocrat, or a, egyptian slave?
    was inspired / an 18th-century aristocrat
  •  15
  • How many Tweets ______ ________ out every second? (send) - 7,300, 9310 or 10,325
    are sent / 9310
  •  15
  • Which _____ the most _________ country in the world? (visit) - Spain, France or England?
    is / visited - France
  •  15
  • Who _____ the first person _________ two Nobel Prizes? (award) - Aristotle, Marie Curie, or Stephen Hawking?
    was / awarded - Marie Curie (one for physics in 1903, the other for chemistry in 1911 for her work on radioactivity.)
  •  15
  • How many computers ____ _______ to sustain our Google queries? (use) - 500, 800 or 1000?
    are used / 1000 computers, and they find the answer in 0.2 seconds!
  •  15