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Vietnam War Years

  •  English    25     Public
    US and the Vietnam War
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What was President Johnson’s reason for becoming involved in the conflict in Vietnam?
    To prevent communists to take over South Vietnam.
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  • When were the first US troops sent to Vietnam?
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  • From what countries did the North Vietnamese army and the Vietcong receive supplies?
    China and the Soviet Union.
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  • How could television coverage of the war affect public opinion about the war?
    People could see "live" what was going on be influenced by opinions from journalists and politicians.
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  • Why is the Vietnam War considered part of the Cold War even though the US were not fighting the Soviet Union?
    Because it was still a conflict between communism v. capitalism.
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  • Name of the countercultural group formed during the Vietnam War Years.
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  • What did the Hippies preach?
    They rejected societal norms and values, opposed the war and mainly preached peach.
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  • What is the most famous hippie sloggan?
    "Make love not war"
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  • Why did Nixon approve the bombing raids on Cambodia and Laos?
    Because he refused to have a US defeat in Vietnam.
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  • What did the 26th Amendment do?
    It lowered the votes from 21 to 18 years old.
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  • Why was the 26th Amendment created?
    To possibly attract new and younger voters that mainly opposed the war.
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  • What happened to soldiers who returned from Vietnam?
    Many of them struggled to readjust in society and suffered from PTSD trauma.
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  • What is the name of the bomb created during the Vietnam War?
    Napalm bomb.
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  • What law made it more difficult for the president to send troops into battle?
    War Powers Act.
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  • What was built by the East Germany government in order to prevent citizens to flee to the US-controlled part of the country?
    The Berlim Wall
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  • What happened during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
    An atomic bomb threat between the US and the Soviet Union.
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