Game Preview

The Little Match Girl

  •  English    25     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • When did the girl feel as if she were sitting before a large iron stove?
    The fire produced by lighting a match gave out a warm, bright flame like a tiny candle and she held her hand over it.
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  • With reference to the story, bring out the theme of class differentiation.
    It is at this time, there appeared an ‘underclass’ which remained unemployed and lived in abject poverty. There existed a huge gap between the financial conditi
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  • What did she see when the match went out?
    When the match went out, she saw nothing but the thick, cold wall.
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  • Explain why the little girl lighted the whole bundle of matches at the end?
    She did not want to lose her beloved grandmother and therefore, she lighted the whole bundle of matches. She found hope in the image of her grandmother.
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  • When did the stove vanish from the little girls’ sight?
    The great iron stove vanished from the little girls’ sight when the flame of the match she struck first went out.
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  • What did the little girl visualize when she lit the match the third time?
    The third time when the little girl struck a match, she visualized that she was sitting under the most beautiful Christmas tree. The tree was much larger and lo
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  • What did she visualize on the Christmas tree?
    She visualized a thousand candles lit up on the green branches of the lovely Christmas tree. The tree was also decorated with multi-coloured balls like the ones
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  • What did the little girl notice about the candles on the Christmas tree?
    The little girl noticed that the candles on the Christmas tree rose higher and higher through the air and then turned into bright stars. One of them fell, strea
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  • What had the little girl’s grandmother told her about the stars when it fell?
    Her grandmother had told her that whenever a star fell, a soul went up to God.
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