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The Journal - Reader GEYL 5B

  •  English    10     Public
    Answer the questions
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Why was the Titanic sink?
    because it hit a huge iceberg
  •  15
  • What was aunt Edith wearing when she got into the lifeboat?
    a nightgown and a coat
  •  15
  • Why was nobody running or shouting at first?
    Because they didn't know that the ship was sinking
  •  15
  • Why did the man want to get into the lifeboat?
    because he wanted to survive and meet his family
  •  15
  • Where did Amy put her journal?
    in her pocket
  •  15
  • What did the iceberg look like?
    It looked like a huge, white rock
  •  15
  • What did the children do with the pieces of the ice from the iceberg?
    They made snowballs and threw them to the sea
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  • When did the Titanic sink?
    On 15 April 1912
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  • Why was the woman with a baby crying?
    because she didn't want to separate to her husband
  •  15
  • Why was the man not allowed to get in the lifeboat?
    because they had to rescue the women and children first
  •  15