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  •  English    15     Public
    Vocabulary and what should you do
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  • If you are going into a restaurant, you should push past the people waiting in line TRUE or FALSE
    FALSE you need to wait your turn and be patient
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  • When you are in a restaurant and it takes a long time to get your food, should you scream and yell and cry?
    NO WAY! We need to be patient in a restaurant. It is unexpected for a student in middle school to scream in a restaurant
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  • When your waitress brings your food what should you say? THANK YOU or GO AWAY
    We say THANK YOU. This shows that we have good manners.
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  • If you are at a restaurant and you are the last to order your meal-should you wait patiently or scream and cry?
    We should wait patiently. Everyone will get their turn to order.
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  • What should you say if you need to get the waitresses attention? EXCUSE ME or HEY OVER HERE LADY!
    EXCUSE ME-this is the polite way to get someone's attention
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  • What is the name of the list of items we can order at a restaurant? NAPKIN or MENU
    A menu-this tells us our choice of food to order and it tells us how much it costs.
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  • What is the name of your favorite restaurant?
    Ask a friend
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  • Can you name three restaurants
    McDonalds, Wendy's, City Line Diner, Chilis
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  • What is the name of the person that makes the food for you in a restaurant? A HOST or A CHEF
    A chef-this is the person who cooks the food in a restaurant
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  • Once you are done with your meal, you need to pay the ________. MENU or BILL
    You pay the bill after your meal.
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  • When you are done with your meal should you get up and run around the restaurant?
    NO WAY! That is rude and unexpected.
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  • When we are ordering our food in a restaurant we should look at the waitress and speak in a kind clear voice? TRUE or FALSE
    TRUE-if we look at the waitress she can better understand what we are saying
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  • When we are eating in a restaurant we should have our mom or dad feed us? TRUE or FALSE
    FALSE-we are old enough to feed ourselves
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  • What are some things we can do while we wait for our food in a restaurant?
    Play on a device, talk to our family, play tic tac toe, draw a picture
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  • What is your favorite food to order at a restaurant?
    Ask a friend
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