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Q&A: the Constitution

  •  English    28     Public
    The American Constitution
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • By the power of ___________________ each branch of the government is authorized to check or restrain some powers of the others.
    checks and balances
  •  15
  • Which is the principle thatdecides if any governmental law or action is constitutional or not?
    Judicial review
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  • What is the system of government called that unites the states under one government?
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  • Which amendment protects the powers of the states?
    10th Amendment
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  • Who believed that each generation was a "distinct nation"?
    Thomas Jefferson
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  • Why did the Americans choose to create a republic instead of a direct democracy?
    So decisions would be made easily and to avoid the creation of factions.
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  • How can factions be defined?
    A majority with the same interests or a minority who actively participates in politics.
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  • What does "winners takes all" mean in the government?
    It means that the candidate who receives more votes will be the one elected and the other(s) lose everything.
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  • What does gridlock mean?
    The impossibility to govern because two branches keep restricting each others decisions or actions.
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  • What is the main goal of a political party?
    To win elections
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  • Why is the electoral college a reson people use to critize the Constitution?
    Because since the candidate that wins by the popular vote may not be elected, people argue that it goes against democracy.
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  • How many amendments were added to the Constitution until now?
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