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Mindset for IELTS Foundation Unit 9 [Vocabulary]

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    Mindset for IELTS Foundation Unit 9: Language [Vocabulary]
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  • A combination of words in a language that being used very often by native speakers.
    collocation /ˌkɒləˈkeɪʃn/ (n): kết hợp từ
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  • A book or electronic resource that gives a list of the words of a language in alphabetical order and explains what they mean, or gives a word for them in a foreign language.
    dictionary /ˈdɪkʃənri/ (n): từ điển
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  • A written or spoken account of an event, especially one that is published or broadcast.
    report /rɪˈpɔːt/ (n): báo cáo
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  • A type of large thin book with a paper cover that you can buy every week or month, containing articles, photographs, etc., often on a particular topic; a similar collection of articles, etc. that appears regularly online.
    magazine /ˌmæɡəˈziːn/ (n): tạp chí
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  • Speaking or using several different languages.
    multilingual /ˌmʌltiˈlɪŋɡwəl/ (adj): đa ngôn ngữ
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  • Able to speak two languages equally well.
    bilingual /ˌbaɪˈlɪŋɡwəl/ (adj): song ngữ
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  • The activities that are done in order to plan, organize and run a business, school or other institution.
    administration /ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn/ (n): quản trị
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  • A piece of work involving careful study of a subject over a period of time, done by school or college students.
    project /ˈprɒdʒekt/ (n): dự án
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  • A group of words that have a particular meaning when used together.
    phrase /freɪz/ (n): cụm từ
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  • The form of a language that is spoken in one area with grammar, words and pronunciation that may be different from other forms of the same language.
    dialect /ˈdaɪəlekt/ (n): ngôn ngữ của một vùng (local dialect: tiếng địa phương)
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  • To express the meaning of speech or writing in a different language
    translate /trænzˈleɪt/ (v): phiên dịch
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  • The customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of a particular country or group.
    culture /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ (n): văn hóa
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  • To express what somebody has said or written using different words, especially in order to make it easier to understand.
    paraphrase /ˈpærəfreɪz/ (n): diễn giải
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  • In or to a foreign country.
    abroad /əˈbrɔːd/ (adv): ở nước ngoài
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  • The rules in a language for changing the form of words and joining them into sentences.
    grammar /ˈɡræmə(r)/ (n): ngữ pháp
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  • A piece of software that you can download to a device such as a smartphone or tablet, for example to look up information or to play a game.
    app /æp/ (n): ứng dụng
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