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FCE Phrasal Verbs & Expressions 1

  •  English    20     Public
    Learn about this useful expressions before applying for the FCE test. Come up with a definition for the expression used in the example.
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  • TAKE OVER: "The company has been taken over by one of its main competitors."
    to begin to have control of something
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  • PULL IN: "He pulled in at the side of the road."
    Of a vehicle, to move in direction to a spot and stop there.
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  • CATER FOR: "The club caters for children between the ages of four and twelve."
    to provide what someone needs or want
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  • HANG AROUND WITH: "I got into drugs because I was hanging around with the wrong people."
    to spend time with someone
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  • CHILL OUT: "Chill out, Dad. The train doesn't leave for another hour!"
    to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you
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  • BE UP TO: "What are you up to at the moment?"
    to be doing something
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  • POP IN(TO): "All I have to do on the way home is pop into the drugstore."
    To visit (somewhere) briefly, usually for some purpose.
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  • WEAR (s.b.) OUT: "Walking around a museum all day really wears you out."
    to make someone extremely tired
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  • CUT DOWN (ON): "I'm trying to cut down on caffeine, I drink way too much coffee."
    to do or use less of something
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  • COME UP AGAINST: "If you come up against difficulties, let me know and I'll help out."
    to have to deal with a problem
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  • COME UP WITH: "She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income."
    to suggest or think of an idea or plan
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  • PICK UP: "While you’re in town, would you pick up a book for me?"
    to obtain or receive something from someone or a place; lift something from a surface; take someone in vehicle
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  • TAKE UP (STH): "I’m not very good at golf – I only took it up recently."
    to begin to do something
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  • SUM UP: "The oral report should sum up the main points of the written essay."
    to express briefly the important facts about something or the characteristics of someone
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  • GET HOLD OF: "Where can I get hold of some stamps?"
    to find someone or obtain something
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  • HAVE A GO AT SB: "I’m not having a go at you, don’t be so sensitive."
    to criticize someone strongly
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