Game Preview

The Harry and Tom Game!

  •  English    15     Public
    Harry and Tom
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You are in Social Studies doing silent work and your classmate is tapping their pencil on their desk. The tapping is making it hard to concentrate. What should you do?
    Ask them nicely to stop, tell the teacher it is distracting to you, ask to move to a farther seat
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  • Your teacher promised the class they could watch a movie, something came up and your class can't watch it anymore. Your classmates begin to "boo". What should you do?
    Suggest that maybe the teacher will show the movie a different time. Understand that sometimes things happen, try to be understanding and flexible.
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  • It is time for science class to end and you haven't finished the work you needed to. What should you do?
    Ask the teacher if you could do the rest tomorrow or at home.
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  • You ask to go to the bathroom during class. While in the bathroom the fire alarm goes off. What should you do?
    Go outside and ask the nearest teacher what to do.
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  • The cafeteria menu said that lunch will be pizza. You get in line and see that the menu has changed to something you don't like. What should you do?
    Choose something else from the menu
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  • Your brother asks to borrow your model train and when he gives it back it is covered in mud. What do you do?
    Ask him what happened, tell him how you feel and him to clean it.
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  • Your math teacher hands back a test that you forgot to study for. You fail the test and have to have your parents sign the test. What should you do?
    With your parents think of a strategy to help you remember to study next time.
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  • Your math teacher hands back a test that you thought you did really well on but you got a bad grade. You studied a lot, what should you do?
    Meet with the teacher and ask her to explain your grade. Review what you didn't know. Maybe learn some different study habits.
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  • During lunch some kids started a food fight and the lunch monitor thinks it was you who started it. What should you do?
    Advocate for yourself and tell the lunch monitor that you didn't start it.
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  • Which position does Mathew Barzal play and what team is he on?
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  • Where do the Islanders play their home games?
    Nassau Coliseum
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  • What materials do you need to build a model train?
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  • What is a cassette ?
    a sealed plastic unit containing a length of audiotape, videotape, film, etc. wound on a pair of spools, for insertion into a recorder or playback device.
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  • Who is the coach of the Islanders ?
    Barry Trotz
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  • When did the Islanders play the Rangers last?
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