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Social Situations Problem Solving

  •  English    16     Public
    What would you do?
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  • Your alarm did not go off and you woke up 15 minutes late. It is important that you not be late for school. What do you do?
    Get ready quicker than usual, take breakfast to go, other answers are acceptable.
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  • You borrowed your sister's roller blades one day without asking and broke them. What do you do?
    Tell her you broke them and appologize
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  • If I talk while someone else is talking, I am...
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  • Your mom is talking to you about chores she needs done around the house. How do you show her you are paying attention?
    Look at her, repeat what she says, face your body toward her
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  • You are talking to your friend but they start telling you about something really boring. What should you do?
    Be polite and allow them to finish their story. Do not interrupt. Do not tell them they are boring you.
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  • You are out with a friend and they keep looking away and answering in short sentences. What do you do?
    Ask them about one of their hobbies or interests. Change the subject. Ask them about their day.
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  • You're trying to have a zoom meeting and there's a loud phone conversation going on in the background. You tell them that you're having a hard time hearing them but they don't do anything. What would you do?
    Move to another room for the rest of the zoom meeting
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  • You walk up to someone you know but they're in a conversation with another friend of theirs. How do you become a part of this conversation?
    Say hello, introduce yourself
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  • You order a cheeseburger without onions at Wendy's. When you get your order, you see there are onions on your burger. What do you do?
    Take the onions off the burger
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  • Your teacher calls on you to answer a question. You don't know what the answer is, what do you do?
    Tell the teacher you don't know the answer and need help.
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  • Two friends are talking. One person talks for over a minute about how great their weekend was and doesn't give the other person a chance to talk. What should the person talking do instead?
    Give the other person a chance to talk. Ask them about their weekend
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  • You are talking to your friend on the phone but don't know how to end the conversation so you can go to bed. What should you do?
    Tell your friend that you are going to bed and will talk to them another time.
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  • You are picking up dinner from a restaurant for your family and the person behind you is too close. What do you do?
    Scoot up, scoot sideways, ask politely for them to step back a little
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  • You are a part of a conversation but don't know anything about the topic your friends are talking about. What do you do?
    Listen quietly, ask them to explain it to you quickly so you can understand what they are talking about.
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  • You are at the cash register checking out at the grocery store. You are two dollars short and do not have enough money. What do you do?
    Put one item back so that you can afford the rest.
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  • You are waiting in line to order food but someone cuts in front of you. What do you do?
    Tell the person politely that you are in line and ask them if they can go to the back.
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