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25 Irregular Verbs

  •  English    24     Public
    Regular verbs
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  • Can you tell me the three forms of "conducir"
    drive /draiv/, drove / drou/, driven /driven/
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the past simple, past continuous and the meaning of "drink"
    drank /draenk/, drunk /drank/ = beber
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the three forms of "soñar"
    Dream / dreamt / dreamt (dremt) Dream /dreamed / dreamed (drimd)
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the past simple and the past participle of draw /drou/ = dibujar
    drew / dru/ , drawn / dron/
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the past simple and the past participle of "do" and the meaning.
    did , done /dan/
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the three forms of "cavar"
    dig, dug, dug /dag/
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the three forms of "cortar"
    cut , cut , cut /cat/
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the past participle of "cost"
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the three forms of "venir"
    Come /kam/, came /keim/, come /cam/
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the past simple and the past participle of "choose" and the meaning.
    Chose /chus/, chosen /chosen/ = elegir
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the past simple and the past participle of "catch" and the meaning.
    Caught, caught /kot/ = coger
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the past simple and past participle of "Buy" and the meaning.
    bought, bought /bot/ = comprar
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the three forms of "quemar"
    burn, burnt, burnt burn , burned, burned
  •  5
  • Can you tell me the past simple and the past participle of "build" and the meaning.
    built, built /bilt/ = construir
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  • Can you tell me the past simple and the past participle of "bring"
    brought , brought /brot/ = traer o llevar
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  • Can you tell me the three forms of "romper"
    break /breik/, broke /brouk/, broken /brouken/
  •  5