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Causes of the American Revolution

  •  English    17     Public
    Review of the causes of the American Revolution.
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  • What British action prohibited the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains?
    Proclamation Act
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  • What British action placed a tax on sugar and molasses?
    Sugar Act
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  • What did the Stamp Act do?
    It placed a tax on all printed materials such as newspapers, playing cards, calendars and advertisements.
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  • What did the Quartering Act do?
    Required the colonists to house and feed British soldiers in their homes.
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  • What British action placed a tax on paint, lead, paper and tea?
    Townshend Acts
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  • What is the name of this event? Who was the first person killed?
    Boston Massacre Crispus Attucks
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  • What is the name of this event? What was the cause? What was the effect? What is it an example of?
    Boston Tea Party, Tea Act, Coercive/Intolerable Acts, civil disobedience
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  • What were the specific punishments issued by the Coercive or Intolerable Acts?
    The acts closed Boston harbor, placed Boston under martial law, denied self-government and reinforced the quartering of troops.
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  • What meeting was held by the colonies in response to the Coercive Acts?
    First Continental Congress
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  • What actions did the colonists take as a result of the First Continental Congress?
    Colonists decided to form militias and issued an all out boycott of British goods.
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  • What is mercantilism? How did it contribute to the American Revolution?
    Colonies-raw materials, England-manufactured goods; colonists resented trade restrictions
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  • Explain why taxation without representation was a cause of the American Revolution.
    Colonists were upset that they had no voice in Parliament and didn't get to vote on taxes
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  • What were the Navigation Laws?
    Trade laws which: 1. Required the colonies to trade mainly with England. and 2. required the use of ships made in England or the colonies.
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  • What is salutary neglect?
    unwritten political policy by which England failed to enforce Navigation laws on the colonies thereby benefiting the development of the 13 colonies
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  • Who were the Sons of Liberty?
    Patriot group created by Samuel Adams which organized protests and boycotts
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  • What was the major cause of the French and Indian War?
    Control of the profitable fur trade in the Ohio River Valley
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