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Ways to beat stress

  •  English    15     Public
    Which of these are appropriate ways we can beat stress
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  • Is making time to have fun a way to beat stress?
    Of course. Having fun makes us happy and distracts us from our stress and resets our brain.
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  • Is playing sports a good way to beat stress?
    Yes. When you play sports you are exercising and getting rid of unnecessary stress.
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  • Is watching TV a good way to beat stress?
    Yes. This allows you to distract your mind. A funny show or movie is REALLY helpful if it gets you laughing.
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  • Is reading a book a good way to beat stress?
    Yes. This gets your mind off of what is making you stressed
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  • Is being rude and yelling at people a good way to get rid of stress?
    No way! When you yell at other people you then make them sad or mad and this will not make you feel better.
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  • Is throwing things a good way to beat stress?
    NOOOOOO! You can hurt someone or break something. Then you will have to clean everything up or fix anything you have broken.
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  • Is snacking on healthy foods like fruits and veggies a good way to beat stress?
    Yes. When you eat healthy you feel healthy on the inside.
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  • Is doing something nice for someone else a good way to beat stress?
    Of course! When you do something nice for someone else you feel good inside and this makes your stress get smaller.
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  • Is hitting someone or pushing someone a good way to beat stress?
    NOOOOOO! This may make you feel even more stressed because you feel bad about hurting someone else. This will not beat your stress.
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  • Is saying "I can't do this" a good way to beat stress?
    Nooooo! You should always cheer yourself on. Say "I can do this" is a good way to beat stress and make yourself feel more confident.
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  • Is talking to an adult like your mom, dad or teachers a good way to beat stress?
    YESSSS! When you tell an adult what is bothering you, they can find ways to help you feel less stressed.
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  • Is asking for a hug a good way to beat stress?
    Of course! When you get a hug from your mom, dad, dog, cat, brother or sister it makes you feel good. You are loved. This helps you feel less stressed.
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  • Is taking three deep breathes a good way to beat stress?
    Of course!!! When you take three deep breathes it helps to calm down your breathing and your thoughts that are making you stressed.
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  • Is running around the room screaming a good way to beat stress?
    NOOOOOO! That won't solve anything, that will just get the people around you stressed. Stop! Take a deep breathe and think.
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  • Is listening to music or dancing a good way to beat stress?
    YESSSSS! Music changes how we feel. Listening to some fun upbeat beat will help change your mood.
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