Game Preview


  •  English    10     Public
    Students get a prop. Write basded on it (taken from:
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 1. Who is coming round the corner? 2. What is their secret? 3. What are they carrying?
  •  15
  • 1. Why did Peter lose his temper with Joanna 2. Where did he go after he stormed out? 3. What happened to him when he got there?
  •  15
  • 1. Who has found something at the back of the wardrobe? 2. What have they found? 3. What will they do next?
  •  15
  • 1. Who cheated John? 2. What did they cheat him at? 3. Will John do something?
  •  15
  • 1. What building can you see Rose leaving? 2. What is she wearing? 3. Where is she going?
  •  15
  • 1. Why is Ian finding it difficult to steer the car? 2. Where is he going? 3. Who is there?
  •  15
  • 1. Where did the accident happen? 2. Who was hurt? 3. Who helped?
  •  15
  • 1. The view is blocked by? 2. Whose view is blocked? 3. If the view wasn’t blocked what would they see?
  •  15
  • 1. Who closes the window? 2. Why? 3. How old are they?
  •  15
  • 1. Who is Jenny? 2. How tall is she? 3. Why is she alone?
  •  15