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The Main Function of the Leaf: Photosynthesis

  •  English    10     Public
    Concepts related to the leaf and photosynthesis
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  • What is the main function of the leaf?
    The main function of the leaf is to make food for the plant.
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  • What is the special name for the main function of the leaf?
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  • What three things or "ingredients" do leaves need to make food or complete photosynthesis?
    Carbon Dioxide, Water (Hydrogen from the water), and sunlight
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  • What do leaves get rid of that we need to breathe?
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  • What do leaves take when people and animals breathe to complete photosynthesis?
    Carbon Dioxide
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  • What color is the part of the leaf that helps gather sunlight and complete photosynthesis?
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  • True or False: People could live without plants.
    False. People need the oxygen from plants to survive.
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  • True or False: Plants make their own food inside their bodies.
    True. They make their own food in the leaves by photosynthesis.
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  • True or False: People and animals can make food in our bodies like plants.
    False. People and animals need to gather and eat food. They cannot make food in their bodies like plants.
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  • How do leaves get the carbon dioxide they need and get rid of the oxygen they don't need?
    The leaves have small holes that open and close to "breathe" like a mouth which lets them take in carbon dioxide and get rid of oxygen.
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