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  • True/False: Judaism is a polytheistic religion.
    False: Judaism is monotheistic- one God.
  •  5
  • What are two other (historical) names for the present-day Israel?
    Palestine; Canaan
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  • What is Judaism's most sacred text?
    The Torah (The Five Books of the Law)
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  • Name 2 symbols of Judaism.
    The Menorah & The Star of David
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  • Which 2 other religions did Judaism give rise to?
    Islam & Christianity
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  • What event is celebrated in the Jewish festival of Passover?
    10th plague of Egypt=death all first-born; death would "pass over" those that smeared lamb's blood on door; indicates they are Hebrew/descendants of Abraham
  •  15
  • Why is Abraham significant in Judaism?
    established the covenant between God and the Chosen People (nearly sacrificed his only son, Isaac, to prove his devotion to God).
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  • Name 3 significant events involving Moses.
    killed an Egyptian, burning bush, 10th plague, the Exodus- led the Israelites out of oppression, 10 commandments, parting of the Red Sea,
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  • What was King Solomon's most significant contribution?
    built a temple that would serve as the centre of worship for the Jewish faith for the next millennium (present-day Western Wall)
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  • According to the Jewish tradition, what is a prophet?
    a person who receives a message from God and delivers that message to God’s people. The message belongs to God; the prophet acts as God’s messenger.
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  • In which 2 ways did the Exile (Babylonian exile in 586 BCE) shift the way in which Hebrews would worship? aka What 2 things emerged during the Exile so they could continue their Jewish traditions?
    synagogues & rabbis
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  • What is a Messiah?
    means "annointed one." The Jews hope that a great king will come to lead them.
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  • What is Diaspora?
    Term used when referring to the Jewish population living outside of Israel.
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  • What was the Exodus?
    The significant event in which Moses led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land. The word exodus means “going out” or “departure
  •  15
  • What is a covenant?
    As used in the Bible, a solemn and binding agreement (promise) between God and humanity.
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  • Name 3 significant events in which Jews were either persecuted, oppressed, or faced serious challenges (other than the Holocaust).
    drought in Canaan, enslaved in Egypt, invaded by Assyrians (721 BCE), by Babylonians (586 BCE, temple destroyed), 168 BCE Maccabbean revolt, 64 BCE Romans,
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