Game Preview

Summit 2: no matter

  •  English    11     Public
    Unit 3
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Joe works very hard all day. Despite his hard work, he can't keep up with all his assignments. 2. English is an international language.
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  • You can go just about anywhere in the world, and people speak English.
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  • That course is very demanding. You can read the materials until midnight every night, but you will still be behind.
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  • The odds against him are very high, but he won't give up.
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  • Americans try very hard to save their money. Despite their attempts to save, however, they can't put aside enough for their future.
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  • Sometimes I get to his office early, and sometimes I get there right on time. Regardless of the time I get there, he's never ready to see me.
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  • Jack travels all over the world all the time. He always runs into someone he knows every place he goes.
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  • I talked to dozens of lawyers who have been before that judge. Regardless of the decisions he rendered on their cases, they admired and respected him.
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  • Her workload is extremely demanding. She makes herself accessible to people, anyway.
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  • I try calling my best friend in the morning, the afternoon and the evening. I try calling her during the week, and on the weekend. She is never home!
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  • The competition is extremely tough. They'll make it anyway.
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