Game Preview


  •  English    37     Public
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  • What is a puja?
    Offerings to holy beings performed in the home
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  • What is the sangha?
    The community of Buddhist monks and nuns.
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  • What is nirvana?
    An everlasting state of great joy and peace resulting from the end of desire and suffering.
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  • What are mantras?
    Symbolic phrases that are chanted.
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  • What is the Middle Way?
    The path in life prescribed by the Buddha; the path between extremes.
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  • What is the Noble Eightfold Path?
    The last of the Four Noble Truths. This is the path leading to the end of suffering.
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  • What is parinirvana?
    Sometimes called the “final nirvana”; the state attained upon the death of someone who has achieved nirvana.
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  • What is samsara?
    The endless cycle of uncontrolled rebirths.
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  • What is a method of calming and training the mind through concentration?
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  • What is a dana?
    A ceremony that takes place at the temple or in a private home, which involves the donation of food, robes, medicines, and other necessities to the sangha. Thos
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  • What is the First Precept of Buddhism?
    Abstain from killing (Ahimsa: non-violence toward all living beings)
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  • Anicca, or the notion that everything in this world is impermanent, is 1 characteristic of existence. Name the other 2 characteristics of existence.
    Anatta: No-self; the notion that there is no permanent self, and that a person is a changing combination of components & Dukkha: Dissatisfaction; the i
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  • What is dharma?
    The teachings of the Buddha and his idea of the “truth” concerning the “laws” of the universe.
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  • What are the Five Precepts?
    rules that Buddhists follow which include abstaining from harming living beings, stealing, improper sexual activity, false speech, and taking alcohol or drugs
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  • What are the Four Noble Truths?
    The Buddha’s diagnosis of the main problem in life: suffering, the cause of suffering, elimination of suffering, and the path to ending suffering.
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  • What are the Four Sights?
    The sights that led to the Buddha’s departure from his palace to help humankind: a sick man, a corpse, and old man, and a begging monk.
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