Game Preview

Situational Awareness

  •  English    10     Public
    Reading the Room Scenario Prompts
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You want to find someone to practice your lines for the play. When you walk into the resource room, the only person there is the teacher working at her desk.
    What will you do?
  •  15
  • You heard a new song today and want to share it so everyone can hear it too. When you get to your homeroom, everyone is hanging out and talking.
    What will you do?
  •  15
  • ou were just invited to go to a friend’s house, and you want to ask your parents if you can go. When you walk into the dining room, they are having a conversation.
    What will you do?
  •  15
  • You walk down the hall to your locker and see a group of kids crowded together. You want to know what’s going on.
    What will you do?
  •  15
  • ​You are late for class because the hallway was crowded. You walk into class, and the teacher is reviewing last night's homework.
    What will you do?
  •  15
  • Y​ ou walk to the nurse's office for a band-aid. You see the nurse on the phone and someone laying on the cot not feeling well.
    What will you do?
  •  15
  • Your class is working in small groups in the science lab. You are upset about your science grade and want to talk to the teacher about doing extra credit work.
    What will you do?
  •  15
  • Y​our class is outside for recess. Your best friend, whom you usually hang out with at recess, is absent today. There are other groups of kids standing around.
    What will you do?
  •  15
  • You are starting swimming lessons at the community pool. When you arrive, everyone is already in the pool waiting by the side.
    What will you do?
  •  15
  • You arrive at the doctor's office for an appointment. The receptionist is on the phone, and two people are waiting at her window to speak to her.
    What will you do?
  •  15