Game Preview

2C Review

  •  English    14     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Choose the unit of measurement that makes the most sense. Chat me your answer! A Christmas tree is about 8 ____ tall.
  •  15
  • Fiona is 53 inches tall. The roller coaster she wants to ride says ”riders must be at least 4 feet tall.” Is Fiona allowed to ride?
  •  20
  • Evaluate the expression below. 963 −372 +372 .
  •  25
  • What is (151 +153 +155 ) − (51 +53 +55)?
  •  10
  • What is the smallest odd number you can get by adding three of the numbers below? 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 9 ,10
  •  15
  • When you evaluate the expression below, is the result even or odd? 351+533+700
  •  15
  • Winnie has 797 playing cards. She loses 44 playing cards, then Grogg gives her 3 more playing cards. How many playing cards does Winnie have?
  •  25
  • Fill in the blank below to make the equation true. 499 −444 + ___ = 500
  •  20
  • Grogg added his favorite number to itself. Is Grogg’s sum even or odd?
  •  15
  • Chris Coconut Castle started the day with 71 coconuts. Then, they sold 35 coconuts. Finally, they were given 36 new coconuts by an anonymous donor at the end of the day. How many coconuts does Chris’s Coconut Castle have now?
  •  10
  • Find the sum below 26 +105 −101 .
  •  5
  • Kyle says that the height of his house is 16 feet and 14 inches. What is the correct way to write the height of Kyle’s house?
    17 feet 2 inches
  •  10
  • Professor Grok stacks two boxes on top of each other in his office. Each box is 3 feet 8 inches tall. How many feet and inches tall is the stack of two boxes?
    7 feet 4 inches
  •  20
  • Winnie buys an even number of boxes of playing cards. Each box contains an even number of cards. Then, she gives one box of cards each to Grogg, Alex, and Lizzie. Is the number of cards she has left even or odd?
  •  15