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Problem Solving

  •  English    11     Public
    Problem solving scenarios
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  • You are taking a walk in the neighborhood and you see a dog! He has a collar on, but there is no person with the dog and no leash on the dog. What is the problem?
    The dog ran away/got lost. Check the collar to contact dog's owner and return dog.
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  • Your cat got stuck in a tree and you cannot reach him! What is the problem?
    Cat is stuck in tree, get a ladder or call for help
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  • You forgot your lunch at home, and you have no money to buy lunch. What is the problem?
    Forgot lunch, call parents to see if they can bring you lunch
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  • Your laptop screen turned black, it looks like the battery died. What is the problem?
    Battery died, find a charger.
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  • Your mom and dad made something for dinner you do not like to eat. What is the problem?
    You don't want to eat what your parents made for dinner. Make something for yourself for dinner instead.
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  • You are watching TV when your sibling suddenly turns off the TV and runs away with the remote. What is the problem?
    Sibling was being rude and turned off the TV during your show. Talk to sibling and ask to have the remote back. Tell them that was not nice.
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  • Your mom asked you to unload the dish washer after school. When she comes home she finds that the clean dishes are still in the dishwasher and not put away. What is the problem?
    You forgot to unload the dishwasher after school. Apologize and unload the dishwasher as soon as mom gets home.
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  • The teacher asks a question and you raise you hand to answer. When the teacher calls on you, you forget the answer. What is the problem?
    You don't know the answer, do not raise your hand unless you know the answer.
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  • You are wearing a sticker on your hat and another student rips it off and throws it away in the trash. What is the problem?
    Student threw away your sticker and made you feel angry. Tell student that wasn't nice and that you made them feel angry. Tell a teacher.
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  • You are playing basketball with your friends when you fall and hurt your knee. It starts to bleed. What is the problem?
    You hurt your knee. Clean blood off knee and put a bandaid on.
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  • A stranger comes up to you and tells you he has candy in his car and wants you to walk to his car with him. What is the problem?
    Strangers are dangerous. Do not go anywhere with a stranger. Get away and tell an adult you trust
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