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  •  English    7     Public
    Lego set, goals
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Where did Lego come from? What country?
  •  15
  • How did a man come up with the idea of the name Lego?
    Danish words LEG GODT "play well" and in Latin a word "Leggo" is "I put together"
  •  25
  • What material was Ole's first toy?
  •  5
  • What was the problem with the Lego system?
    The parts didn't stick, so the Lego contructions easily fell apart
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  • How did Ole's son make up his mind to create an amusement park built from Lego bricks?
    He was in his working room and realized that it will be awesome to have a real park Lego Land
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  • What prompted Godfret to give up on wooden toys and sell only Lego?
    There was a fire in a workshop
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  • Why is Lego successful? Your thoughts.
    The idea is unique and it's cool for both children and adults. It broadens your imagination, strengthens your creativity.
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