Game Preview

What would YOU do?

  •  English    18     Public
    A little bit of everything!
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Why might someone not call/text you back? Check all that could apply. A) They don't feel like talking. B) They misplaced their phone. C) They are working and can't text.
    A, B, or C.
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  • What qualities should I look for in a friend?
    Nice, friendly, trustworthy, Funny, Positive
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  • You ask someone out on a DATE but they say NO. What should you do? A) Tell them you're mad at them B) Tell them its ok we can be friends C) Never talk to them again
    B - It's ok to just be friends! You can find someone else we are interested in. Some people are better off as friends!
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  • You're not sure what you want to do after high school..... What should you do? A) Talk to your parents B) Talk to your teachers/counselors C) Look up/explore different job ideas on your own D) All of the above
    D - All of the above can be helpful!
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  • What would you do if you accidentally burped or passed gas in class? What is you heard someone else pass gas?
    It happens! Say excuse me laugh about it and move on. Try your best not to let it happen too often. If you hear someone else, just ignore it
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  • I get home from school or the park and realize I forgot my key and no one is home. What should I do?
    Use my phone (if possible) to call a family member. Walk to a family or friend's home if close. Etc...
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  • Im walking outside and I see someone hit a car and drive away. What should I do?
    Try to write down the license plate if possible. Call the police department. Tell a parent.
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  • You are on a job interview and they ask me to describe myself. What would you say?
    My name is ___, I am ___ years old and I am in the __th grade at LHS. I love my family and friends and am hard working and friendly. Etc..
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  • Someone calls your cell phone and says they are calling from the police department and they need your home address and birthday. What would you do?
    Dont give any information unless you check with your parent first or verify who they are.
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  • You went to Applebees with a friend. The bill came and it is $25.00. You both got a water and a cheeseburger meal. How much does each person have to pay?
    25.00 + TIP (approx 20%)! Divided by 2.
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  • You called and text a friend and you didn't hear back from them yet. Its been 10 minutes. What should you do? A) Call them again. B) Wait for them to return your text/call. C) Text them again.
    B. Wait for them
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  • What emoji would I not send to a "friend"? Which could I send?
    Smiley face is safe!
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  • If you do go on a date.... What should you do when the check comes? A) Offer to split it. B) Assume the other person is paying for it. C). Pay it yourself
    If you ask for the date, you should consider paying for the other person.   If you are asked, you could offer to pay for yourself or offer to pay the tip.
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  • I want to hang out with someone outside of school but I don't have a lot of money to do things. What should I do?
    Free things! Go for a walk, go to the park, play a sport together, watch a movie at your house.
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  • Give someone in your class a compliment right now!
    Anything nice to anyone :)
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  • (Finish the sentencse). I love it when........... I couldnt live without.............
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