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Unit 5 - R&W Review

  •  English    18     Public
    Review Unit 5 R&W
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Which word starting with 'p' means 'nice or enjoyable'?
  •  15
  • Why does a thrill seeker take risks?
    Because taking risk makes them feel good. They always look for change and excitement.
  •  15
  • Give an example of a 'social risk'
    speaking in front of a large group of people; talking to people we don't know at a party
  •  20
  • What is Ashima Shiraishi's hobby?
    rock climbing
  •  15
  • Why is Brian Skerry's job dangerous?
    Because he has to get close to dangerous sea animals to take photos
  •  15
  • Make this sentence negative: My sister does the laundry.
    My sister doesn't do the laundry.
  •  15
  • Make this sentence negative: Open the packet and pour the contents into hot water.
    Do not open the packet and pour the contents into hot water.
  •  15
  • Make this question negative: Is skiing dangerous?
    Skiing isn't dangerous.
  •  15
  • Correct this sentence: I do always my homework on time.
    I always do my homework on time.
  •  15
  • Make this question negative: Can you guess which photo is fake?
    I can't guess which photo is fake.
  •  15
  • Correct this sentence: I feel pleasant when I get a high score on my test.
    I feel happy/pleased when I get a high score on my test./ Getting high score on my test makes me feel pleased./ It is pleasant to receive a high score on a test
  •  20
  • Correct this sentence: Susan often are early for class.
    Susan is often early for class.
  •  15
  • What does 'living on the edge' mean?
    This phrase is used to describe a risky lifestyle or activity.
  •  15
  • Name 3 types of risk-takers mentioned in the reading 1 'Living on the edge'
    A thrill seeker, a goal-driven risk-taker, a professional risk-taker, an everyday risk-taker
  •  15
  • List three family words of 'succeed'? (list related noun, adjective, adverb)
    verb: succeed, noun: success, adjective: successful; adverb: successfully
  •  15
  • Correct the sentence: Good students do not to start studying for a test at the last minute.
    Good students do not start studying for a test at the last minute.
  •  15