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Deep Down And Other Extreme Places To Live

  •  English    15     Public
    Trivia about this book
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  • What is this book about?
    This text is about people living in unusual and challenging locations.
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  • Where is a village called Supai?
    It is at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
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  • How do the Afar welcome you?
    They give you a drink of milk.
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  • How do the Havasupai get mail?
    They use a mule train.
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  • How can you get to the village of Supai?
    horse, mule, by foot, or helicopter
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  • Would you want to live in one of these remote places? Why or why not?
    Yes or No and why
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  • How do the Havasupai make a living? How has COVID changed that?
    tourism- have to find other ways to make money until tourism can open up again.
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  • The Danakil Depression is on what continent?
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  • Why do the Afar people come to the Danakil Depression?
    to mine salt
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  • How hot can it get in the Danakil Depression?
    more than 120 degrees F
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  • What do the Sami use to herd their reindeer?
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  • Why do lavut's have an opening at the top?
    to let out smoke from large fires
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  • What does the word nomadic mean?
    moving from place to place
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  • Which place would you choose to live and why? With the Sami, Havasupai, or the Afar?
    answers may vary
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  • Pick one group (Sami, Havasupai, Afar) are their lives similar and different to your own?
    answers may vary
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