Game Preview

Water World

  •  English    19     Public
    Water World - Review Game
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is this animal and what special ability does it have?
    Mimic Octopus. It can make itself look like more than 15 different animals.
  •  15
  • Can you reorder this sentence: eyes / has / The / beach ball / squid / as a / giant / the same size
    The giant squid has eyes the same size as a beach ball.
  •  10
  • What type of animal is this? Why does it have a light on it's head?
    A (female) Anglerfish. To help it catch prey.
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  • What does habitat mean?
    Where an animal lives.
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  • Name three animals with a beak
    penguin, squid, octopus, starfish...
  •  15
  • Can you solve this riddle? I have tentacles but I haven't got a beak. I haven't got fins and I haven't got flippers. What am I?
    Sea anemone
  •  15
  • Can you reorder this sentence? four metres / spider crabs / leg spans / The / of almost / have / biggest
    The biggest Japanese spider crabs have leg spans of almost four metres.
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  • Why do turtles sometimes eat plastic bags that pollute the oceans?
    Because they mistake them for jellyfish (their favourite food).
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  • What is the largest and loudest animal in the ocean?
    Blue Whale
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  • Say three things that we can do to protect sea animals
    Recycle plastic, keep the sea clean/not litter, not eat endangered animals...
  •  15
  • Can you work out the animal from the clues?
  •  15
  • Can you name 5 mammals that live in the sea?
    Whale, dolphin, seal, sealion, walrus, manatee/dugong, sea otter...
  •  20
  • Name two things that you can do to stay safe in the sea.
    Don't swim when there's no lifeguard, don't touch jellyfish...
  •  15
  • What is this a picture of? And what animals can you see there?
    Aquarium. Whale sharks...
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  • Which is the odd one out and why?
    Shark, the rest are mammals
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  • Unscramble and answer the question: whale / than / bigger / ? / Is / killer / a / dolphin / a
    Is a dolphin bigger than a killer whale? (No)
  •  15