Game Preview

Quarter 1 Showdown

  •  English    26     Public
    Decimals, Multiplying Whole Numbers
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Find the difference. 862 - 317.87
  •  25
  • Leita earned $127.59 last week. Chance earned $127.95 last week. Caitlyn earned $127.05 last week. What are the earnings written in order from least to greatest?
    $127.05 $127.59 $127.95
  •  15
  • Which diver has the third highest point total?
  •  20
  • Mrs. Gilchrist teaches her 23 homeroom students to make origami birds. Each student can make about 2 birds in one minute. ABOUT how many birds can ALL the students make in 55 minutes?
    2,400 birds or 3,000 birds
  •  25
  • Round 25.4067 to the nearest hundredth.
  •  15
  • Find the product of 55 x 396.
  •  20
  • Write the following in standard form. (9 x 100) + ( 8 x 1) + (2 x 1/10) + (5 x 1/1,000)
  •  15
  • A parking lot has 68 rows with 24 parking spaces in each row. What is the total number of parking spaces?
    1,632 parking spaces
  •  20
  • The sports field at Big Creek Elementary is shaped like a rectangle. The field is 72 yards long and 46 yards wide. What is the area of the field in square yards?
    3,312 square yards
  •  20
  • Mr. Johnson works 80 hours each pay period. His salary is $20 per hour. How much money does he earn in 10 pay periods?
    1,600 x 10 = $16,000
  •  20
  • What is the total amount that Mr. Franklin spent on gas these 3 days?
  •  15
  • What is 0.574 rounded to the nearest tenth?
  •  15
  • A gem expert has three gemstones. Their masses in grams are 0.809, 0.098, and 0.890. Which mass is the greatest?
  •  10
  • Sajan's best swim race so far is 3.01 minutes. He wants to try to swim the distance 0.02 of a minute faster. If he is successful, what will his new best time?
    3.01 - 0.02 = 2.99
  •  20
  • Write 4.029 in expanded form using multiplication.
    (4 x 1) + (2 x 1/100) + 9 x 1/1,000)
  •  15
  • 0.008 is 1/10 of what decimal?
  •  15