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Meeting Marvin Gaye

  •  English    7     Public
    New vocabulary
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Can we say: "a person is secluded"?
    Nope! This is only for places or buildings; a secluded beach/ a secluded house in the forest
  •  15
  • When we say "a person/a comment is witty" we mean...
    the comment is funny&clever and the person makes use fo the words in a clever and funny way
  •  10
  • Which one is correct?
    Jamie is very "abrupt/quick" to blame other people when something goes wrong
  •  15
  • Which one is correct?
    You buy the tickets now and I'll "setle up with/set againts" you later.
  •  25
  • what does dazzlingly mean?
    Adverb; in an extremely or atractive way
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  • Give your definition for: "a totally slick performance"
    flawless, skilfull and impresive
  •  25
  • Think of a phrasal verb for the following sentence...
    The singer was "overwhelmed" by complains from listeners
  •  25