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WHI.6 SOL Review

  •  English    19     Public
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  • "Rome was located on the ________ Peninsula in the middle of the ________ Sea. It was protected from the north by the _______ mountains.
    Italian, Mediterranean, Alps
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  • Name the three social classes in Roman society and what they looked like.
    Slaves, patricians, and plebeians. No rights, rich minority, and poor majority.
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  • Name the Greek gods that correlate with these Roman versions. Jupiter, Juno, Diana, Apollo, Minerva, Venus
    Jupiter=Zeus Juno=Hera Diana=Artemis Apollo=Apollo Minerva=Athena Venus=Aprhodite
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  • What was the law code of Rome called and why was it codified?
    Twelve Tables; so the laws were written down and known to all. (No funny business by the rich)
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  • How was Rome's democracy different from Athens? Which are we closer to, Roman or Athenian democracy?
    Rome= Representative Athens= Direct We resemble Rome more than Athens
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  • How many consuls were there in Rome and what was their position in the Roman government?
    Two consuls and they were the co-leaders of the Senate in Rome
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  • Where would people meet to vote in Rome and what were these massive meetings of all the citizens called?
    In the Forum and they were called assemblies
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  • What is shown in the following image? Also, what was it used for?
    Pantheon; worship of all of the Roman gods/goddesses
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  • What is shown in the following image? And what was its purpose?
    Colosseum; entertainment through "games"
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  • What law principle do we get from the Romans today in our law?
    "Innocent until proven guilty"
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  • What was the name of the wars fought between Rome and their rival Carthage?
    Punic Wars
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  • Who tried to take power as "dictator for life" and helped to cause the end of the Roman Republic?
    Julius Caesar
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  • Who was Rome's first emperor? Who did he have to defeat in the second triumvirate to take power?
    Octavian (Augustus) Caesar. Defeated Marc Antony.
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  • Spread of slavery in the agricultural system Migration of small farmers into cities; unemployment Civil war over the power of Julius Caesar Devaluation of Roman currency; inflation - What did all of these cause to happen?
    The decline of the Roman Republic
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  • What was the 200 year long period of peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire called?
    The Pax Romana
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  • What did Augustus Caesar create to aid him in administering (governing) the Roman Empire?
    A civil service system
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